Chester the Molester Gets LIFE

Chester Stiles whom I've dubbed Chester the Molester, was convicted earlier this year on several counts of child molestation. In a rare instance of true justice, Chester was sentenced to 21 LIFE sentences. That's right, he is NEVER going to harm another child again.

Mr. Stiles appeared before the court and gave a statement, whining that the tape wasn't properly inspected or some such garbage and that he was being treated unfairly because of the media attention. Perhaps he has a point. Perhaps no one gives a **** because he was without a doubt guilty as charged and had gotten away with it for years. I know he handed a life sentence to his victims. I'm sure parents here in the Las Vegas valley will rest a little easier knowing that a child predator is behind bars permanently.

Also a tip of the hat for a job well done to the city of Henderson police department for nabbing Stiles originally.

I'm sure Mr. Stiles will appeal and appeal. But in the mean time, his victims and their families can rest easy knowing justice was served.


Chester the Molester Goes on Trial